Postdoctoral fellowship opportunity at NTNU on life cycle impacts of bioenergy

Postdoctoral fellowship opportunity at NTNU on life cycle impacts of bioenergy

We have a vacancy for a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Industrial Ecology Programme (IndEcol), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), from 1 August 2019. The position has a duration of four years.

The postdoctoral researcher will combine life cycle assessment (LCA), scenario analysis and climate impact characterization modelling in order to assess climate and environmental impacts of bioenergy, both domestically in Norway and globally. He/she will perform individual and comparative assessments of alternative bioenergy feedstocks, biomass-to-bioenergy conversion technologies and bioenergy applications. He/she will also address implications, both positive and negative, of economy-wide bioenergy deployment pathways. The research will involve considerations of biomass resource potentials, climate effects of different climate pollutants, and environmental impacts other than climate change.

The position offers the opportunity for scientific and professional growth through collaborative research in areas where NTNU’s competence is internationally recognized, and through interaction with a diverse group of national and international project partners.

For more information and instructions on how to apply, please see the advertisement here. Or, send an email to Francesco Cherubini ( or me (Anders Arvesen,

The application deadline is 24 March 2019.