2 Assistant Professors in Industrial Ecology, CML, Leiden University, Netherlands

Leiden University, Netherlands (Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) and the Institute of Public Administration) starts a new MSc on Governance of Sustainability. In relation, CML’s Industrial Ecology department is looking for two new assistant professors that will set have roles in teaching, next to being enabled to set up their own research lineWe strive for a 40-40-20 split in research, education and other tasks. CML has a healthy and large PhD pool and we probably can involve the new hires in PhD supervision right from the start. We offer a fixed-term position up to six years (depending on qualifications), with a possibility of  a tenured position depending on funding and performance. We keep the positions open till filled, but to be in the first round of interviews applications are ideally submitted by 1 March. See for more information: https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/vacancies/2019/q1/19-026-assistant-professor-on-industrial-ecology

This is a re-advertised position. Note that the advertisement mentions only 1 vacancy, but we decided given the needs and our good financial situation to hire 2 persons in one go. Information can be acquired too from dr. René Kleijn and prof. Arnold Tukker at kleijn@cml.leidenuniv.nl or tukker@cml.leidenuniv.nl